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Adiel Jezneel

Articles of Adiel Jezneel


Article List

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article TitlePublication DateHistory of the Christian Religion08-12-18What is the Real Gospel?10-01-17Semi-Biblical vis-a-vis Biblical Christianity07-28-17 Most Excruciating and Lengthiest Suffering of Jesus Christ03-26-17Can Creation Harmonize and Blend With Evolution?11-14-16God’s Wonderful Miracle On Me - A Glimpse of...
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What is the Real Gospel?

1. Question:What is "GOSPEL”?Answer:The Dictionary defines, “Gospel is the teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles”.What is the “real GOSPEL” as it is written in the Holy Bible?2 Corinthians 11:4  For if he that...
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"God of the Holy Bible"

"How many realized that one can never trust, much more, to love without first having known or identified the person. And yet, many claim loving GOD but at the same time professing He is a mystery incapable of clear identification....
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